Acupuncture has been used to treat different conditions for at least 3000 years in China and has gained increasing acceptance worldwide. Because acupuncture has a history that reaches back to prehistory, some people are sceptical about its scientific merit. However,...
Articles in Category: Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture for Insomnia
Hours of sleep per night to maintain a healthy body, mind and emotions. Less sleep impacts your health. Five to six hours per night affects your metabolism, stress levels and immune function.
Sleep Positions and Ergonomics
Sleep is an important component for our bodies to heal, rest and get ready for the activities to come in the day ahead. But did you know that poor sleeping ergonomics and positions may be doing more harm than good.
Tradies National Health Month – Back and Shoulder injuries
Tradies rely heavily on their musculoskeletal health for their performance at work, and can tend to ignore the aches and pains, which if left untreated can become more debilitating and disabling. Australian trades people make up 30% of the populations workforce, but according to Safety Australia they make up over half (58%) of the workforces injury claims.