Acupuncture for Insomnia
by Chee Yeap
BHSC. Acu, AHPRA Reg Acupuncturist, AACMA Member
Acupuncture for Insomnia
by Chee Yeap
Do you know how many hours of sleep per night you need to maintain a healthy body, mind and emotions? Less sleep impacts your health. Five to six hours per night affects your metabolism, stress levels and immune function. This leads to decreased productivity, weight gain, stress and premature aging. Acupuncture & Chinese herbal medicine are effective insomnia treatments. These therapies calm the mind, decrease stress and help you to sleep.
While we are in ‘fight or flight’ mode our stress hormones are high and sleep won’t come easy, if at all. It relies on us switching over to the only state our body knows- ‘rest and digest’. There are thousands of ways we can we can find ourselves stressed, but only one way to get ourselves into ‘rest and digest’. BREATH. And of course, ACUPUNCTURE !!!
Call our friendly reception team on 07 3398 7022 to book an Acupuncture appointment. Our practitioners will go through your history and develop a course of action to help you sleep better. We use needling techniques and Chinese herbs to help treat and support your body to naturally sleep better.